Hull's Premier Spoken-Word Band
Christenings ✪ Bar Mitzvahs ✪ Funerals

Praise for Mosshead
- "I was expecting this to be bad and I was not disappointed".
- "It's just two middle–age men shouting".
- "You boys should be ashamed of yourselves."
- "The kazoo is unrivalled."
Mosshead Ice Scraper
Back in stock July 2042
Barry Carparkopolis
Barry carries this band on his shoulders. Are they grateful? No.
Gary Garry
Gary has wanted to make music from a young age.
Hampered by a complete lack of talent and a rare genetic defect called 'hoof hands', he quickly gave up and turned to making toneless guff instead.
Norman Spannersby
Norman is standing in for our original drummer Pete while he is in jail. Pete may be more talented but Norman mostly keeps his hands to himself.